
Theaterstück in englischer Sprache - by the Brothers Grimm

Anna is treated like a maid by her aunt and her cousins and they call her “Cinderella”. One day, the king invites all the girls in the country to a ball. But Anna’s aunt only allows her cousins to go to the castle; only Anna has to stay home to work. But she gets help: the pigeons help her to sort out the lentils that have been spilt on purpose and even gift her a beautiful ball gown. With this dress, Anna goes to the king’s ball after all, and the king immediately falls in love with her. When he wants to find out who she is, Anna runs away and loses her shoe. At home, Anna becomes Cinderella again, but then the king begins the search of the owner of the shoe and visits Anna’s house. Whether the shoe might also fit the mean cousins you will be able to find out in our theatre.


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Online Tickets oder telefonisch
an der Theaterkasse 089 /59 54 54
Geeignet ab 4 Jahren
Dauer: about 1:40 h including a short break

Schauspieler*innen: Julia Habermann, Johanna Praxmarer, Sebastian Laux, Alicia Körber, Hanna Habersetzer
Inszenierung: Michael Tasche
Musik: Bastian Pusch
Choreografie: Eva Maria Hamm
Kostüme: Ester Tigoue, Odilia Schröter
Maske: Sandra Eggener
Bühnenbild: Armand Lebas
Fotos: Ismena Schickert

15:00 Uhr
Theaterstück in englischer Sprache - by the Brothers Grimm
10:00 Uhr
Theaterstück in englischer Sprache - by the Brothers Grimm

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